* For year 10 into 11 students
The following information is designed to lead students and their families through the preparation phases for post compulsory, or senior schooling (Year 11 & 12). It is important that students and supporting guardians work though the attached sequence, including all associated videos.
Understand the purpose of post compulsory schooling, the minimum expectations and the requirements to be successful by the end of year 12. |
Queensland Certificate of Education External link
| All students studying post compulsory schooling, aim to achieve a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
Key Contact –
Dedan Daniel (Head of Department – Senior Schooling) ddani10@eq.edu.au
| Understand the options and pathways available to you, as you progress through year 11 and 12.
Careers Guide Information External link | At the beginning of term 3, all students will explore career pathways options with the assistance of the Guidance Officers, Senior Schooling Head of Department, Home Group teachers and other members of the school’s student support team. Considerations include: - Student interests and current skill sets - Student achievement in year 10 and subject pre-requisites - Students motivation, work ethic and approach to schooling
Determine the most appropriate pathway for you. |
Australian Tertiary Attainment Ranking (ATAR) External link | Students wishing to progress to university after the completion of year 12, aim to achieve an Australian Tertiary Attainment Ranking (ATAR). Key Contact – Dedan Daniel (Head of Department – Senior Schooling)
ddani10@eq.edu.au |
School-based Apprenticeships & Traineeships (SATs) | Students looking to get a head start into an apprenticeship or traineeship can combine their post compulsory schooling with an externally provided course. Key Contact – Lana Lawn (Youth Support Coordinator - Industry Pathways) llawn0@eq.edu.au
Work Experience
| Students can complete work experience while studying for their QCE, to gain valuable time & expertise in a range of work environments to add to their resume and employability. Key Contact – Lana Lawn (Youth Support Coordinator - Industry Pathways) llawn0@eq.edu.au
| Confirm your post compulsory schooling intentions, by completing your Senior Education & Training Plan (SETP) on OneSchool.
Senior Education & Training Plan (SETP)
| All students, accompanied by a parent, will discuss and negotiate their SETP with a member of staff towards the end of term 3. Prior to this meeting, all students are required to document their plans on the OneSchool online platform. TIme is allocated in Home Groups to begin this process, but may require conferencing and additional time at home to complete. Key Contact - Dedan Daniel (Head of Department - Senior Schooling) ddani10@eq.edu.au