The name given to the process to assist students with non-completion of assessment is called AARA: Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments.
There are two types of AARA students are eligible to have recognised, temporary and permanent. Temporary is an event, illness, accident etc which occurs which prevents a students in Yr 11 /12 from completing their assessment by the due date. The flowchart on the right shows the steps to follow when a student will, or has, missed assessment. This may be due to unforeseen events such as illness or accident , or a foreseeable occurrence, such as a attending a representative sporting, cultural or academic event or competition. The document “Application for AARA" is the one that needs to be completed to “apply" for AARA in any of these situations.
The flowchart below the document explains the process a student must follow to apply for an AARA.
The guiding rationale behind the implementation of the temporary AARA policy at North is to ensure all students get fair and equitable access to assessment that enables them to demonstrate their capability in a subject. Some AARA's may not be approved, if that is the case, the effect on the students overall result will be outlined on the AARA application.
A permanent AARA is a condition or diagnosis that means a student has to have adjustments made to the conditions of their assessment across Yr 11 and 12. These students are identified through the Social Justice Committee and/or the CATT / DP Diverse learners. Staff and student are made aware of what adjustments are required and these are applied from Term 1 Yr 11 (where diagnosed/school made aware). The team headed by DP Diverse Learners then will make formal AARA applications to the QCAA before the student commences their First IA. This team will also monitor and make permanent AARA applications for students diagnosedduring the course of Yr 11 and 12. If you have any question regarding Permanent AARA's please contact DP Senior Schooling or DP Diverse Learners.